Children & Youth
As different as we are from one another, as unique as each one of us is, we are much more the same than we are different. That May be the most essential message of all, as we help our children grow toward being caring, compassionate, and charitable adults.
~Fred Rogers
We require that all those working with our children and youth to undergo Safe Church training and a national criminal background check.
Nursery (0–PreK)
Zayda Wilson
Childcare Provider
Charlotte S.
Childcare Provider
We provide nursery care for the duration of the service. Some parents like to hold on to their little ones for the start of the service and then send their kids up after the children's time in the service. Either way is up to you. Please register your child upon arriving.
Nursery care is provided by Zayda Wilson and Charlotte S.
Sunday School (K–5th Grade)
Children are always welcome at Bethany–even if they can’t sit still! About a third of the way through, they are dismissed to go to a Sunday school class. They are, of course, welcome to stay throughout the service if that works best for your family. Please register your child upon arriving.
Check out the latest video in our Children's Space on YouTube:
Youth Group (6th–12th Grade)
Middle and high school youth worship with adults on Sundays. We believe that provides them the best opportunity to learn the practices of worship.
We participate in the Tacoma Area Youth Group which consists of five congregations. The group is led by Rev. Bianca Luna, who is employed by Urban Grace Church in Downtown Tacoma. Shared Youth Group meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 6–7:30 p.m. rotating between our partner churches.
Join the Facebook page for current updates.
Please see our Youth Waiver Agreement.
Read Urban Grace's Youth & Family Safe Conduct Policy.